You can have more say in your electricity supply. Paua to the People can help you, your company or community to set up and own your own New Zealand electricity retailer.BESPOKE RETAILER ELECTRICITY SOLUTIONS
Paua to the People can work with you to pull together an affordable, customised retail electricity solution for your retailer, company or community. Email us today.a white label retailer or a different solution?
Paua to the People can help you to setup or operate your own retailer. Our incredibly low operational costs and high compliance allow us to support others retail operations.
your own retailer
Paua to the People can assist you or your business to set up and operate a compliant and profitable retailer.
Alternatively we can white label your own electricity retail operation to add to your brand.
Does your community want or need more say in the supply of your electricity. With assistance from Paua to the People it can be affordable for your community to own your own retailer.
Imagine being able to set your pricing, keep vulnerable whanau connected, or sharing in retailer profits.
Imagine being able to set your pricing, keep vulnerable whanau connected, or sharing in retailer profits.
bespoke retail electricity
Our extensive experience, market staus (we own our own retailer) and flexible systems enable us to deliver a creative and affordable retail electricity solution to meet or exceed your requirements.
This is excellent for community solar farms or other complex billing set-ups.
paua to the people
Paua to the People is the ideal partner to help you succeed with your electricity retail needs because we are.
Our proprietry and incredibly flexible systems make our electricity retail solutions affordable.
Use of systems and processes designed to be compliant with the New Zealand electricity code will help make you more compliant too.
Having proprietry systems and our own retailer give us enourmous scope to develop creative solutions with you.
Our systems can be easily customised to make your electricity solution better meet your requirements without taking forever nor breaking the bank.
Our systems are easy to customise so we are able to respond quickly to meet your specific requirements.
Our systems have a huge feature catalog out of the box. Also if we need to we can quickly and affordably add the capability you want.